Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Mom on the RUN!

I have a good friend that has been encouraging me to start running or exercoising  and a few months ago I had met this lady
http://tuffmotherondarun.com/ (check out her blog she is awesome)
and decided that I needed to commit to some sort of exercise pattern.  And I did for about 3 weeks I worked out to the insanity videos and then I went on Christmas vacation and never got back into that routine.  I truly love exercising but have replaced my exercise morning time with scripture reading and piano practice.  I do go on bike rides with the kids and do kid stuff during the day hours and evening hours are spent with my husband so I can't do everything.  But after I get through my basic piano lessons I will be substituting every other day with exercise.  I am so excited!


  1. You are amazing! And, exercise for me took a back burner most of the time when the kids were tiny. It's just barely starting to move up front:)

  2. Thanks Annalee-I gave up on exercising for now I'm considering gardening good enough!
